ChartMaker for LiveCode

Before you hit the Send button, please make sure you have...
- Searched the documentation and looked at the 'Known Issues' section first.
- Checked that your syntax is correct and followed any instructions. A semi-colon is not a comma!
- Clicked "Check for updates..." in the software. The latest version may have resolved your problem.
- Checked the Resource Center. It may have an answer.
- the problem can be confirmed as a bug, we will do our best to correct it for you as soon as possible.
- you need a new feature urgently, we are happy to review it. Contact us for a quote.
- you need support with coding, design or integration, fees are charged per half-hour required.
Your eMail to us MUST include...
- Your registered user Name
- Your registered Email address
- Your Licence key
- The software Version and Build number
ChartMaker for LiveCode is Copyright © 2012 The Flexible Learning Company. All rights reserved.